Beverly Hills: in vendita la splendida villa di Katharine Hepburn

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È in vendita la villa dove visse la bellissima Katharine Hepburn.  La diva più affascinante e premiata della storia di Hollywood che ha ricevuto dodici nomination al Premio Oscar come miglior attrice protagonista vincendone quattro, primato tuttora ineguagliato.

PIC FROM JOHN CHIMON / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The pool and garden.)  A Mexican-style mansion which belonged to silver screen star Katharine Hepburn has gone on sale for .4M (4.75M). The late 20th century actress Hepburn, who holds the record for the most Academy Awards, rented the five-bed hacienda when she first moved to Hollywood. Situated on an acre in Coldwater Canyon in Los Angeles, the house is rumoured to have been the backdrop to an illicit affair between Hepburn and her agent Leland Hayward. Five years later classic actor Boris Karloff, who played the lead role in 1930s Frankenstein, purchased the property. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM JOHN CHIMON / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: The pool and garden.) A Mexican-style mansion which belonged to silver screen star Katharine Hepburn has gone on sale for .4M (4.75M). The late 20th century actress Hepburn, who holds the record for the most Academy Awards, rented the five-bed hacienda when she first moved to Hollywood. Situated on an acre in Coldwater Canyon in Los Angeles, the house is rumoured to have been the backdrop to an illicit affair between Hepburn and her agent Leland Hayward. Five years later classic actor Boris Karloff, who played the lead role in 1930s Frankenstein, purchased the property. SEE CATERS COPY

La villa di Beverly Hills fece da sfondo alla relazione amorosa che Katharine Hepburn ebbe con il suo agente Leland Hayward con cui però non convoglio mai a nozze. La proprietà oggi è in vendita per 7.390.000 dollari. Incastonata in una rigogliosa vegetazione, la villa si sviluppa su una superficie di circa 500 mq e consta di una grande zona giorno, cucina con sala da pranzo, 5 camere e 6 bagni. Gli interni sono raffinati ed eleganti e caratterizzati da pavimenti in cotto, travi a vista e grandi finestre che si aprono sul giardino.
Una piscina riscaldata, un angolo bbq e una zona conversazione con camino all’aperto completano questa favolosa villa ricca di storia e fascino.


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